

The most complete and comprehensive leather classification is worth collecting

时间:2017-03-29     【转载】   阅读

Leather for daily use, national defense, industrial and agricultural use, and cultural and sports goods according to its purpose; According to the tanning method, it is divided into chrome tanned leather, vegetable tanned leather, oil tanned leather, aldehyde tanned leather, and combination tanned leather. In addition, it can also be divided into light leather and heavy leather. Leather commonly used for shoes, clothing, gloves, etc. is called light leather and is measured by area; Leather made from thicker animal skin and tanned with plant tanning agents or combination tanning, used for the inner and outer soles of leather shoes and industrial accessories, is called heavy leather and is measured by weight.

According to animal types, there are mainly pig leather, cow leather, sheep leather, horse leather, donkey leather, and kangaroo leather, as well as a small amount of fish leather, reptile leather, amphibian leather, ostrich leather, etc. Among them, cow leather is further divided into cattle leather, buffalo leather, yak leather, and yak leather; Sheepskin leather is divided into sheep leather and goat leather.

According to the hierarchy, there are first layer leather and second layer leather, among which the first layer leather includes full grain leather and trimmed leather; There are also pig split leather and cow split leather. Among the main types of leather, cattle leather and sheep leather have a flat and fine surface, small eyelets, dense and compact internal structure, good fullness and elasticity, and good physical properties. Therefore, premium cattle leather and sheep leather are generally used as leather materials for * products, and their prices are higher among bulk leather.

Classified by leather and leather: Genuine leather "is a common term in the leather product market and is a common term used by people to distinguish between synthetic leather and natural leather. In the concept of consumers, "genuine leather" also has a non fake meaning. Animal leather is a type of natural leather, commonly known as genuine leather. It is a leather material made from animal (raw skin) tanned and processed by a leather factory, which has various characteristics, strength, feel, color, and pattern. It is an essential material for modern leather products.

The processing process of leather animal leather is very complex, and to make finished leather, it requires dozens of processes: raw leather - soaking - meat removal - degreasing - hair removal - alkali soaking - swelling - ash removal - softening - acid soaking - tanning - slicing - shaving - retanning - neutralization - dyeing - oiling - filling - drying - finishing - coating - finished leather. There are also many types of leather, including sheep leather, cow leather, horse leather, snake leather, pig leather, crocodile leather, etc. According to their properties, they can be divided into two-layer leather, full grain leather, suede leather, modified leather, film leather, composite leather, and decorative split leather.

Among them, cowhide, sheepskin, and pigskin are the three major leather varieties used in leather making.

Regenerated leather is made by crushing the waste of various animal skins and dermis and blending chemical raw materials. Its surface processing technology is the same as that of genuine leather, such as trimmed leather and embossed leather. Its characteristics are that the edges of the leather are neat, the utilization rate is high, and the price is cheap; However, the leather body is generally thick and has poor strength. It is only suitable for making shaped products such as affordable briefcases, pull rod bags, ball club sleeves, and affordable belts. The longitudinal fiber structure is uniform and consistent, and the solidification effect of mixed fibers of fluid can be recognized.

Artificial leather, also known as imitation leather or rubber, is a general term for artificial materials such as PVC and PU. It is made by foaming or laminating PVC and PU with various formulas on a textile or non-woven fabric base. It can be processed according to different strength, wear resistance, cold resistance, color, luster, pattern and other requirements. It has the characteristics of a wide variety of colors, good waterproof performance, neat edges, high utilization rate, and relatively cheap price compared to genuine leather.

Artificial leather is a type of material that has been extremely popular since its early days and is widely used to make various leather products or some genuine leather materials. Its increasingly advanced production technology is widely adopted in the processing and production of double skin. Nowadays, artificial leather with characteristics similar to genuine leather is available in production. Its surface technology and fiber structure of the base material almost achieve the effect of genuine leather, and its price is on par with that of domestic top layer leather.

Synthetic leather is a plastic product that simulates the composition and structure of natural leather and can be used as a substitute material. The surface is mainly made of polyurethane, and the base material is non-woven fabric made of synthetic fibers such as polyester, cotton, and polypropylene. Its front and back are very similar to leather and have a certain degree of breathability. The characteristic is beautiful luster, less prone to mold and insect damage, and closer to natural leather than ordinary artificial leather.

There are various types of synthetic leather, and in addition to the common characteristics of synthetic fiber non-woven fabric base and polyurethane microporous surface layer, each type of non-woven fabric fiber and processing technology are different. Synthetic leather has a smooth surface, uniform color and strength, and is superior to natural leather in terms of waterproofing, acid and alkali resistance, and microbial resistance..

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